A Way Out is a non-profit organization located in Potter County, PA, which provides services to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. We work with adults and children who are experiencing or have experienced; emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, or other forms of abuse. A Way Out does not discriminate based on age, religion, when the abuse occurred, sexual orientation, or gender expression. Services to individuals and their family members are strictly confidential and free of charge. Our staff provides information and options to allow those we assist to make their own choices about the best options for them.
Emergency Shelter
Can be provided for you and your children in one of our safe locations. We can also help you obtain a longer shelter stay. We will also assist you with options to relocate your family permantly.
Crisis Counseling
Victims of domestic violence or sexual assault can talk with someone who understands what is happening to them. Trained workers help you sort through all the feelings and help you plan your next steps. Available 24 hours a day. 814-274-0240 or 877 334-3136
Legal Advocacy
A Legal Advocate can explain your legal rights, accompany you to court proceedings and legal appointments.
Medical Accompaniment
We can meet you at the emergency department or at your doctor's office. If you have been injured, either because of domestic violence or sexual assault, we can go with you to your appointment. You don't need to do this alone.
Individual Advocacy
A Way Out provides information and referal to other communtiy recources. A Way Out also provides advocacy, accompaniment and limited transportation to these appointments.
A Way Out provides limited financial assistance on a case to case basis. A Way Out also has a donation shelf with limited resourses for survivors provided to us by donations from the community.
Individual Counseling
A Way Out provides on-going counseling for individuals in-person or over the phone. Counseling is customized to meet victims specific needs, and can include safetly planning, empowerment, and coping skills, etc.
Community Prevention and Education
A Way Out can present programs designed to help community members recognize and work to stop violence against victims of domestic violence. Make a difference in Potter County. Request a presentation for your school, group, church, event, business, or civic organization. 814-274-0368